Class Registration v3.0 - Itasca Area Schools Collaborative Community Education
S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior
#: S-290   ID:    Section:   
Course Description:

S-290 is available via two delivery methods (online and ILT), either of which is sufficient for student completion. This is a classroom-based skills course designed to prepare the prospective fireline supervisor to undertake safe and effective fire management operations. It is the second course in a series that collectively serves to develop fire behavior prediction knowledge and skills. Fire environment differences are discussed as necessary; instructor should stress local conditions.

  • Identify and describe the characteristics of fuels, weather, and topography that influence wildland fire behavior.
  • Describe the interaction of fuels, weather, and topography on wildland fire behavior, fireline tactics, and safety.
  • Describe the causes of extreme wildland fire behavior (long-range spotting, crowning, and fire whirls) developing due to fuels, weather, and/or topography.
  • Interpret, apply, and document wildland fire behavior and weather information. The course is broken into thirteen modules that consist of an introduction and twelve unit topics.
Bring to Class:
Target Group:

Personnel desiring to be qualified as any single resource boss or Fire Effects Monitor (FEMO).

Course Prerequisites:

Successful completion of S-190, Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior.

Course Pre-Work:

Contact course instructor
M, Tu, W, Th 
8:00 AM
Travis Verdigan
Class Size:
Seats Left:
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
6/3/2024   8:00AM - 5:00PM
6/4/2024   8:00AM - 5:00PM
6/5/2024   8:00AM - 5:00PM
6/6/2024   8:00AM - 5:00PM